Listed below are some of the consulting services that Noble Leadership Ministry provides. For more information on any of our services, please fill out our contact form HERE.
Bible Study/Discipleship 360° is an analytical process examining your church Bible study and discipleship processes, programs and effectiveness. Our three step process includes diagnosing, strategy development and steps to implementation.
Strategic Mapping Our distinctive EKKLEGRAPHICS™ strategic mapping process helps churches build a strategic plan for maximum ministry performance. Our tools and processes allow churches to design a comprehensive life development strategy, an intentional leadership and organizational infrastructure for a healthy church. The outcome of this process is a one page strategic plan using our processes and developed by your leadership to take the church to the next level.
Breaking the 200 Barrier is an intentional process for churches averaging 150-250 in attendance. We help church leaders identify the challenges, obstacles and opportunities necessary for growth to the next level.
NLM Discovery Weekend & Leadership Retreat is a weekend event that provides an immediate assessment for your church. The goal is to provide church leadership with an understanding of their present reality with recommendations to help move toward a positive future.
ELEVATE™ is a customized 12-month leadership and personal development process that includes ten 60 minute face to face meetings (or skype or Google+ depending on your location). Regular follow-up through phone calls and/or social media are also a part of this process.